Information Sheet #13 – NEMA Motor Repair, Best Practice & Definitions
1.0 Introduction:
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) is a premium organization that sets the standards for the specification, manufacturing, performance, and repair of electric motors. Layco Electric Innovations (LEI) is a fully credited facility to repair motors to NEMA standards..
2.0 The Downside of Not Maintaining Motor Performance:
Whether it’s a production process that includes several electric motors or a single motor operating one piece of machinery, the original design specifications assumed a certain efficiency, performance, and power output for the overall system to operate as required. While total motor failure will shut down a given system, with the resulting downsides being economical, lack of reputation, and in some cases life critical, a failing motor will also impact the overall efficiency of a system. System designers select NEMA-certified motors because they are designed and manufactured to be best in class.
Also in Information Sheet Blog

Information Sheet #12 - Preventive Maintenance of Electric Motors and Benefits

Information Sheet #11 - Brownouts & The Adverse Effect On Electric Induction Motors.
This information sheet discusses the adverse effect brownouts have on electric motors, particularly induction motors and how to manage them.