Information Sheet #5 - Electric Motor Storage, Proper Storage of Spare Motors.
1.0 Introduction:
When an electric motor is expected to be stored for an appreciable time before it is placed into service, certain steps should be taken to ensure that it will be suitable for operation when it is needed. Improper motor storage will result in seriously reduced reliability and failure.
2.0 Record Keeping:
One aspect of motor storage that is easy to overlook is the importance of keeping a good record that can be retrieved readily. A good method is to attach a form to each motor for recording the date it was placed in storage when all maintenance procedures were completed, and the results of all tests that were performed during the storage period (Figure 1). For motors in long-term storage, a good practice is to replace the form annually (or at other designated intervals) and then file the previous form (or an electronic copy) for future reference.
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